/ / / / Sold Marketing Package

Sold Marketing Package

    How to place your order:
  1. Your account is not connected to the Design Lab. Please reach out to the CS admin team to gain access.


Marketing Collateral

If you do not have a link, include at least 8 professional photos for marketing collateral.
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House Number, Street Name, State & Zipcode
If you do not have a Mailing List, include the Zip Code of the Target Area
Include 1-2 lines about the sold property.
The best highlight about this property or sale.
Please answer the following questions: 1. What challenge did you face? 2. What action did you take to overcome the challenge? 3. What was the result(s) of your action(s)? 4. Client testimony (if no client testimony, #4 will be omitted from the card)
Your Name, Mobile #, Email
OPTIONAL. If you would like to use a photo that the CS team does not have on record, please upload it here.


The Christian Shane-branded Sold Marketing Package includes Postcards and branded Social Media Posts, a highly effective strategy for elevating your reputation, promoting brand awareness, and celebrating your real estate business.