1885 Revival Mansion on St. Charles Ave, New Orleans
Number of Years in Operation
Square footage
Person in Charge
Christian Galvin, chief strategist
Thomas Sully, 1885
Christian Shane Development, 2021
Interior Design
Christian Shane Development
Furnishings and art
Christian Shane Lifestyle

(BizNewOrleans.com, Sept 2022) Chances are you’ve seen, and perhaps even admired, the circa 1885 Greek revival mansion at 2125 St. Charles Avenue. The home was designed by notable New Orleans builder Thomas Sully, who also lent his design talents to other stately homes on St. Charles Avenue, including the Francis Johnson House and the Picard House, as well as hotels like The Columns, and many public buildings in New Orleans and other cities.
Perhaps fittingly, in 2021 this particular Sully creation became the home of Christian Shane Properties and Christian Shane Development, a luxury real estate agency and developer. I recently caught up with Christian Galvin, owner and chief strategist at Christian Shane Properties, to learn more about the company’s historically significant digs on the Avenue, as well as their goals, strategies and plans for the future.
What were your goals for the design and why?
Christian Galvin: To create a collaborative environment that balances the work and home life experience.
What was the biggest design challenge and how was it overcome?
The design challenge was knowing we wanted to implement modern design concepts while restoring and maintaining the original historical features of the property. We committed to staying true to both aesthetic and design styles, and balanced historic features with modern design concepts.
What is the standout feature of the design?
[The] original moldings with soaring high ceilings throughout the entire mansion. It stands out because they’re still intact in their original form, which is rare.
How would you describe Christian Shane Properties and Christian Shane Development and its core clientele or audience?
The two work in unison to provide resources to individuals and investors to create value for their home or commercial property. Christian Shane Properties provides the bookend experiences of the buy and sell, while Christian Shane Development bridges the clients through the renovation or construction process, resulting in a seamless and turnkey solution.
How do you set yourselves apart from companies doing similar work?
Our ecosystem is our point of differentiation. We work with our clients in every aspect of their life — from home to events, from travel to improvements and design.
How do you promote a positive work atmosphere for the staff?
By enabling the team members to be part of the solution. By trusting their vast experience, innate skills and expertise, and by always giving the team members the latitude to succeed.
What are your biggest challenges?
Momentum is an exciting propeller, but managing the opportunities that momentum brings to the company requires a strategic plan.
What goals are you looking to meet in the next 12 months?
To continue expanding throughout the Southeast as we add to our service areas: South Carolina and Tennessee in 2023. To continue our agent growth and expand our resort experiences and continue our trajectory toward $100 million in development projects.
Is there a question you wished I had asked?
“What took you so long to open your company? Where have you been all our lives?” Preparing for the right moment to bring the best product and the best team to market. The time is now. We provide solutions. Ask us your questions and let us find the answers.